Research Article

An Adaptive Finite Element Method for Stationary Incompressible Thermal Flow Based on Projection Error Estimation

Table 10

A successive sequence of adaptive meshes based on a residual error estimation for , and , .

err Eff CPU

238 1.06895 6.04125 5.92896 8.53182 75.8374 8.8887 1.375
253 0.138697 0.552635 0.537633 0.783385 8.51898 10.8746 1.469
568 0.0835765 0.245759 0.224761 0.343365 3.69854 10.7714 3.234
1045 0.0421669 0.180767 0.17622 0.255945 2.59402 10.1351 6.016
2022 0.0471101 0.135906 0.124863 0.190475 1.9947 10.4723 11.89
2441 0.0217445 0.0960252 0.0947848 0.136667 1.34754 9.86003 14.437
4011 0.0222083 0.0678677 0.0615177 0.0942532 0.946418 10.0412 24.032
5523 0.0109319 0.0484351 0.0486974 0.0695478 0.672826 9.6743 33.859
8373 0.01082 0.0322648 0.0297083 0.0451738 0.45166 9.99828 52.172
11033 0.0052382 0.0226784 0.0225007 0.0323733 0.317636 9.81166 69.656