Research Article

Hazmats Transportation Network Design Model with Emergency Response under Complex Fuzzy Environment

Table 1

Comparison among these network design models for transportation of hazardous materials.

Author and year Model Decision maker Objective Main contribution

Kara and Verter, 2004 [7]Bi-level integer
network design model
Leader: local authority
Follower: carriers
Minimum of total risk
Minimum of total cost
The transportation network design is first considered as a bi-level model.
The bi-level model is generalized to the undirected case.
Erkut and Gzara, 2008 [8]Bi-level undirected
network design model

Bianco et al., 2009 [9]Bi-level network
flow model
Leader: metalocal authority
Follower: regional authority
Risk equity
Minimum of total risk
Multiple layers of authorities and risk equity are first considered.

Our paper Bi-level uncertain network design model Leader: local authority
Follower 1: emergency dept.
Follower 2: carriers
Minimum of total risk
Maximum of coverage
Minimum of total cost
Emergency response and uncertainty of risk are first considered in network design model.