Research Article

A New Skeleton Feature Extraction Method for Terrain Model Using Profile Recognition and Morphological Simplification

Algorithm 4

Evaluate and process the big rings.
Input: Segments set segres without polygons and
  small rings.
Output: Segments set segbr and segments set
   segres that has been disassembled.
1. Traverse segments set segres. If all the segments
 have been traversed, then go to step 5.
2. Let as the current segment:
 2.1 Find the adjacent points of as Figure 7, and
   evaluate the filling intensities of these
   points, if , then go to step 1;
 2.2 Evaluate whether satisfies the Rule (2) in
   Section 3.3.
3. If the points (Figure 7) on the both sides of are
 non-target points according to the original target
 points set, and then:
 3.1 Disassemble the rings and remove from
 3.2 Otherwise, denote as the segment of the
    stable ring and put it into segbr.
4. If there is no any change for the segments set
 segres, then go to step 5.
5. Algorithm end.