Research Article

Adaptive Synchronization of Complex Dynamical Multilinks Networks with Similar Nodes

Figure 5

Separate synchronous variables , , of different network models where , , and . (a) , , and are small-world network models, the rewiring probability among nodes is , , and . (b) , , and are scale-free network models, and their minimum degrees are 1, 2, and 3. (c) , , and are random network models, and their connection probability among nodes is 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5. (d) is a small-world network model, and the rewiring probability among nodes is 0.3. is a scale-free network model, and the minimum degree is 2. is a random network model, and the connection probability among nodes is 0.1. The dynamics of nodes satisfy the Lü system. The multilinks network can achieve synchronization under the adaptive controllers (color online).