Research Article

A Study of Network Violator Interception Based on a Reliable Game Model

Algorithm 1

Step  1. Initialization.
  (1.1) Randomly select candidate locations to initialize an initial feasible solution . For an arbitrary
    route , determine according to interceptor layout , then compute objective function value
    according to (6). Let .
  (1.2) Set Markov length , initial temperature , error , and let .
  (1.3) Set the outer iteration counter .
Step  2. For the given , perform the following:
  (2.1) Set the inner iteration counter to .
  (2.2) Randomly select an element from (selected candidate locations) and (unselected candidate
     locations), respectively, and exchange them to produce a new solution .
  (2.3) Compute the objective function value according to (6).
  (2.4) Set , if , ; else let with probability .
  (2.5) Check whether . If , go to Step  3; else , return to (2.2).
Step  3. Determine whether to stop
  (3.1) Check whether . If , stop; go to (3.2)
  (3.2) Let , , and return to Step  2. (where decides the speed of annealing)