Research Article

Heuristics for Routing Heterogeneous Unmanned Vehicles with Fuel Constraints

Table 7

Results using the VND heuristic with 3-opt.

Instance Initial cost ( ) Final cost ( ) (%) Computation time (sec)

p01 2483.04 1942.48 21.77 7.368
p03 2170.27 1172.44 45.98 4.822
p04 2569.91 1301.3 49.36 15.816
p05 2588.21 1468.28 43.27 30.267
p06 5089.49 2904.23 42.94 180.685
p07 5759.59 4456.7 22.62 195.286
p08 40044.1 40044.1 0.00 192.995
p09 37783.8 37783.8 0.00 142.009
p10 34990.6 34990.6 0.00 374.885
p11 34610.9 34610.9 0.00 30.816
p12 5917.04 2064.31 65.11 25.047
p15 23619.6 3105.85 86.85 5842.052
p21 77354.6 76936.9 0.54 9000
pr01 6964.58 6885.05 1.14 11.20039
pr02 7625.7 7625.7 0.00 9.709453
pr03 21303.9 21303.9 0.00 29.87566
pr04 14659.2 13465.5 8.14 943.9597
pr05 9780.66 8137.73 16.80 286.9558
pr06 24778.5 14108.8 43.06 32975.92
pr07 4026.09 2151.59 46.56 2.17765
pr08 9340.81 7385.68 20.93 178.9951
pr09 12207.2 9294.9 23.86 480.1001
pr10 9119.63 9119.63 0.00 50.35585