Research Article

Coarse-Grain QoS-Aware Dynamic Instance Provisioning for Interactive Workload in the Cloud

Algorithm 1

The learning Algorithm to characterize the Percentile QoS Constraint.
Input: , , and SLA specification ; is the number of iterations and is the
number of decision points in a day.}
Output: VP_table;
(1) Create VP_table and initialize each item in VP_table to 0;
(2) Create [ ][ ] and counter; [ ][ ] is a sample of QoS violation ratio of using VM
    instances in phase , and counter logs the number of delay violations in a phase.}
(3) for   to   do
(4)  for   to   do
(5)   for   MIN_NUM to MAX_NUM do
(6)    Log response time for each incoming request;
(7)    if      then
(8)      ;
(9)   end if
(10)   Calculate an unbiased sample of delay violation probability ,
     where is the total number of requests arrived in phase , iteration ;
(11)     ;
(12)   end for {Loop
(13)  end for {Loop
(14) end for {Loop