Research Article

Location Prediction-Based Data Dissemination Using Swarm Intelligence in Opportunistic Cognitive Networks

Algorithm 1

: location prediction based on O2MM.
(1)input: State Space Set , Nodes Set , the initial
probability distribution is ;
(2)Discretization of data set: Statistical data of all users related to state set E is made. Then the data set of each
user is processed to be discrete set of the fixed time slice, so the set after discretization is denoted as
follow: , , ;
(3)calculate the probability of the node to visit location according to (5) where the location state of the node
at current time slice and also the just visited state is respectively and .
(4)Calculate one step transition probability matrix according to (6);
(5)Calculate the probability of each state at time slice
(6)the location state at time slice is
(7)return   ;