Research Article

Cooperative Behaviours with Swarm Intelligence in Multirobot Systems for Safety Inspections in Underground Terrains

Algorithm 3

Parameters for QLACS Example I.
Example I of QLACS (Using Figure 5 for optimized route finding)
Parameters used in the first component of QLACS
Starting State:
Terminating State:
Terminating condition: When all states have been visited at least once and it is at terminating state
State Space = ,
Initialize pheromones positions to 0.01
Rand = (0, 1) returns a random value between 0 and 1
(i) Computation of attractiveness using (2)
(ii) Computation of instantaneous pheromones by ant for all potential states using (3)
(iii) Pheromone update using (4)
(iv) Computation of probabilities for the potential states using (5)
(v) Adaptation of roulette Wheel using (6)
Equation (5) can be reduced to Let =
Sum =
So =