Research Article

Maximizing Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sink Nodes

Algorithm 1

(1)      gather the information of all sensor nodes, and initialize all parameters, such as  , , etc;
(2)     While   (each )
(3)      {
(4)     do {
(5)       calculate ;
(6)       find the grid of maximum potential value, and select its grid center as anchor;
(7)       calculate ;
(8)       ;
(9)      }while ();
(10)    process the isolated nodes;
(11)    use -means to obtain the cluster;
(12)     ;
(13)    while    () {
(14)     use nearest neighbor interpolation method to find the optimal movement path;
(15)      ;
(16)      while    () {
(17)       initialize all parameters of sub-gradient method; ;
(18)       while () {
(19)       update parameters of neighbor nodes;
(20)           determine step length ;
(21)       solve and ;
(22)       update ;
(23)       ;
(24)      }
(25)      ;
(26)       }
(27)    ;
(28)     }
(29)    inform the sink nodes to move under the optimal movement scheme;
(30)   inform all sensor nodes to transmit their data and residual energy under the optimal data transmission scheme;
(31)    gather data during certain time;
(32)    }