Research Article

On the Identification of Coupled Pitch and Heave Motions Using Opposition-Based Particle Swarm Optimization

Algorithm 1

The process of OPSO.
  %% Initialization
(1) Initialize swarm size N and constant number and ; space dimension ; maximum
(2) Initialize the iteration number for opposition calculation , ;
(3) for :  
(4)   initialize randomly with the search range ( )
(5)   initialize randomly with the velocity range ( )
(6) End for
(7) Evaluate each particle’s fitness , and the best fitness
(8) Identify the best particle’s position and its fitness ); %%Loop
(9) While (    )
(10)   If then
(11)   for to
(12)   Calculate the opposite particle using (8);
(13)   Evaluate fitness in opposite vector ;
(14)  end for
(15)  Select fittest particles from and to
(16)  create a population of size ;
(17)   Else
(18)  for to
(19)  Calculate particle velocity using (5)
(20)  update particle position using (6)
(21)  Evaluate
(22)  End for
(23)   End if
(24)   update
(25)   for to
(26)   if ( )
(27)     update
(28)      ;
(29)   end if
(30)   end for
(31)    ;
(32) end while