Research Article

Multiobjective Optimization Based Vessel Collision Avoidance Strategy Optimization

Algorithm 1

(1) Pop  =  InitPop( )
(2) InitRank()
(3) Pop1  =  select(Pop)
(4) Popt  =  crossover(Pop)
(5) Pop2  =  mutation(Popt)
(6) while terminal_condition
(7)    Pop( )  =  Pop1( )   Pop2( )
(8)    for in Pop( ):
(10)      np  =  0
(11)      for in Pop( )
(12)      if dominate
(13)      pdomq.add( )
(14)      else if is dominated by
(15)       np  =  np  +  1
(16)      if np is the first rank of Pareto
(17)      p_rank  =  1
(18)    F1.add( )
(19)    F.add(F1)
(20)    while
(21)       for in
(22)      for in pdomq
(23)         if nq is dominated by other individual
(24)          q_rank  =  
(25)          Q.add( )
(26)       F.add( )
(28)    Pop( ) =
(29)    while len(Pop( ) + len( ) <
(30)      nLen = len( )
(31)       for in
(32)         init .distance  =  0
(33)       for objFun in M objective function
(34)            =  sort( , objFun)
(35)         for in xrange(1, ):
(37)        .distance  =   .distance  +  
(38)       Pop1( ) = Pop( );
(39)    Pop2( )  =  generate new pop