Research Article

Multiagent-Based Simulation of Temporal-Spatial Characteristics of Activity-Travel Patterns Using Interactive Reinforcement Learning

Table 1

Description of typical activity patterns.

Activity patternNumber of samplesRatioDescription

hwh106937.1%Simple work pattern with only primary tour
hwsh261.0%Having other stops when getting off work, with only primary tour
hwhsh441.5%With a secondary tour, primary tour is simple work pattern
hwhwh56819.7%Work tour with home-based subtour
hwswh261.0%With a subtour during work
hsh35712.4%Simple maintenance tour
hlh1113.9%Simple leisure tour
hshlh321.1%With both maintenance and leisure tours, the prior one is a maintenance tour
hshsh1053.6%With two maintenance tours
hlhsh592.0%With both maintenance and leisure tours, the prior one is a leisure tour