Research Article

A Global Multilevel Thresholding Using Differential Evolution Approach

Algorithm 3

DE with onlooker and ranking-based mutation.
(1)  Randomly generate the initial population
(2)  Evaluate the fitness for each individual in the population
(3)  while the maximum generation G is not reached do
(4)     Sort and rank the fitness values of population according to (13)
(5)     Calculate the selection probability for each individual according to (14)
(7)  for to NP do
(8)       Select , , as shown in Algorithm 2 based on the current and
(10)      for to do
(11)          if or is equal to then
(13)          else
(15)          end if
(16)      end for
(17)    end for
(18)    for to NP do
(19)          Evaluate the offspring
(20)          if is better than or equal to then
(21)           Replace with
(22)          end if
(23)    end for
(24) end while