Research Article

Bayesian-OverDBC: A Bayesian Density-Based Approach for Modeling Overlapping Clusters

Algorithm 2

Baysian Overlapping Density Based Clustering Algorithm (OverDBC)
Input: Expression Matrix () , Data model
Output: Bayesian overlap clusters, (membership-matrix).
New cluster may be merged based on () probability.
//phase 1
(1) compute transaction matrix ()
//phase 2
(2) Find Core genes based on Density and Closeness Centrality
(3) Add gene to Core genes () based on density and Cc relations.
//phase 3
(4) For  All in (Set of Core Object) Repeat:
(5) If    Start Local Search to find nearest neighbors , Save cluster .
  Else For   to
   Based above probability select one of these paths:
    if    then Start local search to construct new cluster .
    Else  invoke func_bound_over( ) and return results
   End of For
End of If