Research Article

System Optimization for Temporal Correlated Cognitive Radar with EBPSK-Based MCPC Signal

Algorithm 1

The TSC estimation based on KF.
(1)  Set the pulse index = 1, and the initial TSC estimation is based on MAP, where the estimated
   TSC can be calculated from (25) and the MSE matrix can be obtained from (27).
   Set the maximum number of pulses .
(2)  Let = + 1;
(3)  while   and > 1 do
(4)   According to the temporal correlation of TSC (4), the prediction of TSC is
        ,     (i)
    where is the estimated TSC during the (  − 1)th pulse;
(5)   The MSE matrix of the predicted TSC is
    ; (ii)
(6)   The KF gain matrix is defined as
    ;  (iii)
(7)   Update the estimated TSC
    ,    (iv)
    where ;
(8)   Update the MSE matrix
        ;   (v)
(9)   Let = + 1.
(10) end while