Research Article

Theoretical Expectation versus Practical Performance of Jackson’s Heuristic

Table 10

20 instances of 2000 jobs. The processing time drawn from the interval . The instances that are not shown in the table were solved optimally.

Emerging job Overflow job Aprox. ratio

1 48087 82 77454 54385 40 54441 −5 45559 54436 −56 51 99995 99944 1959.69 1.0005
5 39909 22 99943 53552 74 53591 −15 46409 53576 −39 24 99985 99961 4165.04 1.0002
9 34418 98 77808 54170 73 54182 6 45818 54188 −12 18 100006 99988 5554.89 1.0002
13 29865 51 99008 98068 9 98072 28 1928 98100 −4 32 100028 99996 3124.88 1.0003
17 53804 20 71630 54118 16 54165 −30 45835 54135 −47 17 99970 99953 5879.59 1.0002
18 27503 39 67807 30462 7 30474 24 69526 30498 −12 36 100024 99988 2777.44 1.0004
19 17473 86 85224 67046 74 67060 58 32940 67118 −14 72 100058 99986 1388.69 1.0007