Research Article

TPA: A Two-Phase Approach Using Simulated Annealing for the Optimization of Census Taker Routes in Mexico

Algorithm 2

Generate neighboring solution.
(1)   generateNeighbor (
     /   is represented using two vectors, one of blocks B and one of vertices .
     represents the th-block visited in the path and the vertex used for this block /
(2)   begin
(3)   generate a random integer number
(4)    ()  then
(5)    select two different blocks at random positions and in
     / exchange the blocks and in the solution /
(6)   swapBlocks ()
(7)   else
(8)    select a block at a random position in , that is,
     / look for the vertex of which is closer to and does not generate crossings /
(11) for  every vertex    of block    do
(12)    dist
(13)    cross
(14)  if (cross = false) and () then
(17)  end
(18) end
    / assign the vertex as the one used by block /
(19)    changeCurrentVertex()
(20) end
(21) return  
(22) end