Research Article

A New Hybrid Model Based on Data Preprocessing and an Intelligent Optimization Algorithm for Electrical Power System Forecasting

Algorithm 1

Pseudocode of EEMD.
—a sequence of sample data
—a sequence of forecasting data
—the number of ensemble for EEMD.
—the amplitude of white noise.
—the iterations of experiments.
—the number of intrinsic mode function components.
(1) Initialize the number of IMF: ;
(2) Do EEMD, EEMD loop start;
(3) ;
(4) If  n <     do
(5)  Add white noise to the original data ;
(6)  Assign original data in the first column and start to find an IMF 10 times;
(7)  Decompose according to the EMD method;
(8) End if
(9) Calculate the mean: ;
(10) Return  .