Research Article

The Optimisation for Local Coupled Extreme Learning Machine Using Differential Evolution

Table 2

Function approximation results of ELM, OSFuzzyELM, LC-ELM, and ELC-ELM.

AlgorithmLowest testingHidden nodesAvg. trainingAvg. testing

ELM 0.0221 110 0.1303 0.0054 0.0607 0.0217
OSFuzzyELM 0.0371 140 0.1302 0.0068 0.0764 0.0289
LC-ELM 0.0219 90 0.1295 0.0055 0.0552 0.0173
ELC-ELM 0.0203 60 0.1167 0.0015 0.0403 0.0277