Research Article

Maintaining Connectivity of MANETs through Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Algorithm 3

Move-Before-Deployment (MBD) algorithm.
// is the position of ground nodes, is the position of existing UAVs, is the motion-range of existing UAVs,
is the communication-range between ground nodes and is the communication-range between ground nodes and UAVs.
Output: // is the new position of existing UAVs and is the position of new added UAVs
(1)Initially: ; ;
(2)compute new positions of existing UAVs using algorithm;
(3)generate a complete graph over ;
(4)compute a minimum spanning tree based on ;
(5)while true do
(6)  ; // is the set of 1-degree UAVs and is the set of edge connecting vertexes in .
(7)  for each   do
(8)   if    then
(9)    , ;
(10)  end if
(11) end for
(12) if    then
(13)  , ;
(14) else
(15)  break;
(16) end if
(17) end while
(18) for each edge   do
(19) if    then
(20)  if    then
(21)   put 1 Steiner points into ;
(22)  else
(23)   put Steiner points into ;
(24)  end if
(25)  ;
(26) end if
(27) end for
(28) return ;