Research Article

Efficient Alternative for Construction of the Linear System Stemming from Numerical Solution of Heat Transfer Problems via FEM

Code 2

Gauss-Seidel method used for calculating the global linear system.
T = 1.d0; Ti = T; rAux = 0.d0; Emax = 0.0000000001d0  !T: Temperature; Ti: initial shot
do i = 1, 200000
ii = 1; rAuxE = 0.d0
do j = 1,nnost
   soma = 0.d0
   do jj = ii,k
    if(Mirow(jj).eq.j.and.Mjcol(jj).eq.j) then
    rAux = GG(jj)
    end if
    if(Mirow(jj).eq.j) then
     if(Mjcol(jj).eq.j) then
     soma = soma + GG(jj)T(Mjcol(jj))
     end if
     ii = jj
     go to (2)
    end if
    end do
(2) T(j) = (1.d0/rAux)(FG(j) - soma)
   end do
 do j = 1,nnost
    Erro = dabs(Ti(j) - T(j))
    if(Erro>rAuxE) then
    rAuxE = Erro
    end if
  end do
  if(rAuxE>Emax) then  !Emax: stop criterion
  Ti = T
  go to (1)
  end if
end do
(1) continue