Research Article

Compact Wide Frequency Range Fractional-Order Models of Human Body Impedance against Contact Currents

Algorithm 1

MATLAB implementation of NLSF using lsqcurvefit with multiple initial conditions.
   // Boundaries for initial condition generation
(2)  LB1 = −1, −1, −15, 0;
(3)  UB1 = 9, 9, −3, 1;
   // Boundaries for lsqcurvefit function
(4)  LB2 = 0, 0, 0, 0;
(5)  UB2 = inf, inf, inf, inf;
   // Setting up vector for initial conditions
(6)  0 = zeros(20, 4);
(7)  [] = size(0);
   // Setting lsqcurvefit stopping conditions
(8)  options = optimset(“lsqcurvefit”);
(9)  options.MaxFunEvals = 1000;
(10) options.TolX = ;
(11) options.TolFun = ;
   // Generating array of initial conditions
(12)  for = 1:1:length(0) do
(13)   for = 1:1: do
(14)    0() = LB1() + (UB1() − LB1()).rand();
(15)   end for
(16)   0() = 10.0();
(17)   () = 10.0();
(18)   0() = 10.0();
(19)   MinLSE = inf;
(20)   for = 1:1: do
(21)    [ModelParameters, LSE] = lsqcurvefit(@ModelOneImpedance, 0(), , , LB2, UB2, options);
(22)    if LSE < MinLSEdo
(23)     BestModelParameters = ModelParameters;
(24)     MinLSE = LSE;
(25)    end if
(26)   end for
(27)  end for
(28) end procedure
(29) function MODELONEIMPEDANCE(ModelParameters, )
(30)  ;
(31)   = ModelParameters();
(32)   = ModelParameters();
(33)   = ModelParameters();
(34)  alpha = ModelParameters();
(35)   = + ./(.(alpha1);
(36)  return abs();
(37) end function