Research Article

Escaping Depressions in LRTS Based on Incremental Refinement of Encoded Quad-Trees

Algorithm 2

Pseudocode of the algorithm to recursively build the quad-trees: BuildQuadtree(obstList, indexX, indexY, size).
(1) if isObstExist(obstList, index , index , size) true then
(2)  Set the node state , and insert it into the hash table;
(3) else
(4)  if isAllOccupied(obstList, index , index , size) true then
(5)   Set the node state , and insert it into the hash table;
(6)  else
(7)   Set the node state , and insert it into the hash table;
(8)   Generate four children, and assign newIndex , newIndex , ;
(9)   for   = 1 : 4  do
(10)    BuildQuadtree(obstList, newIndexX[], newIndexY[], size)
(11)   end
(12)  end
(13) end