Research Article

A Two-Step Global Maximum Error Controller-Based TPWL MOR with POD Basis Vectors and Its Applications to MEMS

Algorithm 1

Original TPWL-GMEC method.
(1) Given a training input ;
(2) Simulate the nonlinear system (1) and store the states at all time steps
(3) Choose the initial state as the first LP , and set ;
(4) Update and built the current TPWL model;
(5) Simulate the current TPWL model to get the responses ;
(6) Find out the maximum error state :
Set and , where the root mean square error
(RMSE) is defined by
Compute ;
if    then  , ;
end for
(7) if   and has not been selected as a LP
then  select the LP , set ;
(8) if   is increased in step () and ( is the maximum allowable LP number)
then go to step ().
(9) Return the selected LPs and end the loop.