Research Article

Optimal Fare, Vacancy Rate, and Subsidies under Log-Linear Demand with the Consideration of Externalities for a Cruising Taxi Market

Table 1

Parameter and baseline values for the numerical analysis.

ParametersUnitBaseline value

Constant term of the demand function ()7.2 × 108
Constant term of the waiting time function ()7.5 × 106
Price elasticity of taxi demand ()−1.4
Waiting time elasticity of taxi demand ()−0.2
Vacant mileage elasticity of waiting time ()−1
Maximum social willingness-to-pay ()NTD/veh.-km$78.38
Marginal opportunity cost ()NTD/veh.-km$20.416
Average loaded passengers for a taxi trip ()passengers1.54
Marginal external cost per unit distance for a private highway vehicle trip ()NTD/person-km$1.7680
Probability of passengers switching to private vehicles when they do not want to use taxis ()%60.46
Marginal external cost multiplier for a taxi trip ()0.69