Research Article

Development and Application of an Industry Foundation Classes-Based Metro Protection Information Model

Algorithm 2

Pseudocode of priority assessment for one single patrol record.
Algorithm: Priority score of single patrol record
Input: Segmentation Result List , Keyword List , Matching Vector
Output: Priority score G
SubFunction: Levenshtein_distance(string a, string b) //Calculate the Levenshtein distance of a and b
int column = a.Length, int row = b.Length, intmatrix = new int[row + 1, column + 1] //Initialize
if(column ==0row ==0)
return 0
…… // generate matrix, using Eq. (1)
return[row, column]
foreach in do
foreach in do
int d = Levenshtein_distance(,)
double s = )
if(s > 0.85)