Research Article

Development and Application of an Industry Foundation Classes-Based Metro Protection Information Model

Table 4

Extracting major information from the MPIM.

Major factorsExtraction methodIFC type uesd

The horizontal distance between the external project and the metro structureUtilize Algorithm 1 to calculate L.All IFC types

Buried depth of metro structureTraverse the IfcGround and IfcMetroBuilding model, filtering the elements with the largest Z coordinate difference and .IfcGround

Pit depth of external projectTraverse the IfcGround and IfcExternalBuilding, filtering the elements with the largest Z coordinate difference and get IfcGround

Grade of surrounding rockJudge from the property IsSoftInterLayer and IsSoftUnderlyingIfcGeoLayer

Support typeJudge from the property Support Type in IfcExternalBuilding entityIfcExternalBuilding