Research Article

Research on Sparsity of Output Synapses in Echo State Networks

Table 1

Weights of output synapses when all output synapses are activated and the 2nd or 4th synapse is silenced, respectively. Here are the ratio between the weights of synapses when the 2nd or 4th synapse is silenced and the weights when all synapses are activated.


Weight when all are activated1130.428134.006−308.004−0.545−2375.857346.081−3668.49624.762−135.418−301.811

Weight when 2th synapse is silenced1119.3160−313.0686.100−2349.637343.812−3680.39120.728−82.074−231.207


Weight when 4th synapse is silenced1130.079131.702−305.0790−2377.723348.913−3664.58025.212−135.811−300.373
