Research Article

Shape Recognition Based on Projected Edges and Global Statistical Features

Pseudocode 1

function EPPSED(S)
% preprocessing
rotate(S, -orientation(S))
resize(S, [N, N], fit)
if horizontal_mass_center(S) > N/2 then
rotate(S, 180)
directions    []
% generate edge maps (EM) for every direction
for dir in directions
EM(dir)    convolution2d(S, EV(dir))
% for every location threshold the edge maps
for i in [1..N], j in [1..N]
for dir in directions
EMT(dir)    (EM(dir), )
% project thresholded edge maps and scale them
for dir in directions
PR(dir)    histogram(EMT(dir))
scale(PR(dir), N/4)
EPPSED    [PR(), PR(), PR(), PR()]