Research Article

Steering Control Method for an Underactuated Unicycle Robot Based on Dynamic Model

Table 1

Parameters of the unicycle robot.


Mass of the wheel
Mass of the frame
, Mass of precession frame for left and right
, Mass of gyroscopes for left and right
Radius of the wheel
Distance of frame’s centre of gravity from centre of wheel
, Distance of precession frame’s centre of gravity from frame’s centre of gravity for left and right
, Distance of gyro’s centre of gravity from precession frame’s centre of gravity for left and right
, , Moments of inertia of the wheel’s centre of gravity about the X,Y,Z axes, respectively
, , Moments of inertia of frame about the X,Y,Z axes, respectively
, ,
, ,
Moments of inertia of precession frame’s centre of gravity about the X,Y,Z axes, respectively for left and right
, ,
, ,
Moments of inertia of gyroscopes’ centre of gravity about the X,Y,Z axes, respectively for left and right
Yaw angle of the robot
Roll angle of the robot
Pitch angle of the body
Rotating angle of the bottom wheel
,  Precession angle of precession frame for left and right
, Spinning angle of gyroscopes for left and right
Torque of the bottom wheel
Torque of precession system
Torque of gyroscope system