Research Article

A Parallel Algorithm for the Counting of Ellipses Present in Conglomerates Using GPU

Pseudocode 1

Parallel algorithm for the counting of elliptical objects in occlusion.
Input: Ieb, Ic
Output: Ieg, TE
(1)SCPs = get_scps (Ic)
(2)ARCS = arc_generation (Ic, SCPs)
(3)base_eq = base_equation_ellipse (Ieb)
(4) = SCPs.length
(5)MAX_THREADS = The maximum number of processes to be executed in parallel.
(6)iter = 1
(7)while  :
(8)total_combvalids = 0
(9)while  :
(10)COMBVAL_TMP = kernel_comb_valids  MAX_THREADS processes  (iter, ARCS, base_eq)
(11)total_combvalids + = COMBVAL_TMP.length
(13)iter + = MAX_THREADS
(15)EQ_ELLIPSES_1CS_TMP = kernel_adjust_ellipses  MAX_THREADS processes  (COMBVAL, base_eq)
(18)EQ_ELLIPSES_SEL = verify_2cs (EQ_ELIPSES_1CS)
(19)TE = EQ_ELLIPSES_SEL.length
(20)Ieg = graph_equations (Ic, EQ_ELLIPSES_SEL)