Research Article

A Hybrid Dynamical Modelling and Control Approach for Energy Saving of Central Air Conditioning

Table 1

Thermal parameters.


(kg)67.725, 90.3, 158.025Rooms A, B, and C, respectively
(kg/s)0.655, 0.655, 0.655Rooms A, B, and C, respectively
(m2)36, 8, 0Room A
(m2)52, 9, 0Room B
(m2)66, 12, 6Room C
0.214, 0.286, 0.5Rooms A, B, and C, respectively
0.0037, 0.286, 0.0026Rooms A, B, and C, respectively
-0.061Whole system
(W/m2k)0.049, 0.051, 0.05
(J)19, 28, 31Rooms A, B, and C, respectively
()30, 30, 30Rooms A, B, and C, respectively
()25, 25, 25Rooms A, B, and C, respectively
()35, 35, 36Room A
()35, 35, 36Room B
()35, 35, 36Room C
()25.8, 26.1, 25.9Rooms A, B, and C, respectively