Research Article

Key-Skeleton-Pattern Mining on 3D Skeletons Represented by Lie Group for Action Recognition

Algorithm 3

Informative skeleton sequence ().
Input: key-skeleton-pattern dataset , mining sequence dataset of all actions
Output: The dataset of the most informative skeleton sequences
(1)  Obtaining training dataset from
(2)  ;
(3)  for the dataset of each action class U do
(4)   T is the table that includes all symbols in
(5)   for each symbol do
(6)    if and then
(8)     append to K
(9)     MinP-PrefixSpan()
(10)   end if
(11)  end for
(12) end for
(13) for each element do
(14)  for each key-skeleton-pattern   do
(15)   if m is a subsequence of d.L then
(18)    fordo
(20)    end for
(21)   end if
(22)  end for
(23)  for z=1 to Len(d.L) do
(24)   if patternpos[i]==1 then
(25)    append d.LA[z] to s
(26)   end if
(27)  end for
(28)  Append s to
(29) end for
(30) return