Research Article

Group Sparse Regression-Based Learning Model for Real-Time Depth-Based Human Action Prediction

Table 1

Comparisons with other real-time existing methods.

MSR-Daily Activity dataset

Dynamic temporal warping [5]54.0
Actionlet ensemble [5] (skeletal feature only)68.0
Fourier temporal pyramid [5]78.0
Distinctive canonical poses [24]65.7
Relative position of joints [25]70.0
Moving pose [26]73.8
BIPOD representation [17]79.7
Our approach (skeletal feature only)85.6
Our approach88.2

UTKinect-Action dataset

HOJ3D [27]90.9
Histogram of Direction vectors [28]92.0
BIPOD representation [17]92.8
Our approach (skeletal feature only)94.3
Our approach95.1

SYSU 3D HOI dataset

ST-LSTM(Tree)+Trust Gate [29]76.5
Part-aware LSTM [30]76.9
BIPOD representation [17]77.3
Our approach (skeletal feature only)79.1
Our approach80.7