Research Article

Semisupervised SVM Based on Cuckoo Search Algorithm and Its Application

Algorithm 1

(01) Input: Dimension of the nest: , Total number of the nest: , Maximum number of
  iterations: time, The probability of being discovered by the host: , The maximum number
  of updates of the bird’s nest: limit, Maximum chaotic iterations:
(02) Output: The best nest
(03) Begin
(04) Initial chaotic nest:
(05) Calculated fitness: ;
(06) While (present iterations time)
(07)  Generate a new solution by ;
(08)  If (climit)
(09)    from small to large in accordance with ;
   Delete the solution of the end 10%
(11)     Generate m catfish new nest Placed in the tail of ;
(12)    Output the catfish new solution ;
(13)  End
(14)  Select candidate solution ;
(15)  If  
(16)    The new solution is used instead of the candidate solution;
(17)    Count(present iterations)=1;
(18)   Else
(19)   Count(present iterations)=0;
(20)  End
(21)   Discarding the worst solution according to the probability ;
(22)   A new solution is used to replace the discarded solution with a preference random walk;
(23)  Keep the best solution;
(24) End
(25) End