Research Article

Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of the Hydraulic Actuator Used in the Active Reflector System

Table 1

Step adjustment strategy.

The judgment criterionControl Mode

: the response of the system is in the rising phase.: the output is close to the target.: the output is close to the target.rise slowly
to avoid overshoot
: the output slightly exceeds the target.restrain overshoot2
: the output is seriously deviated from the target.
: the output is greatly lower than the target.rise rapidly
to reduce rise time
: the output greatly exceeds the target.down rapidly3

: the response of the system is in the decline phase. : the output is close to the target.: the output slightly exceeds the target.restrain overshoot2
: the output is close to the target.down slowly
to avoid overshoot
: the output is seriously deviated from the target.: the output greatly exceeds the target.rise rapidly3
: the output is greatly lower than the target.down rapidly
to reduce fall time

: the response of the system is in the stationary phase.--Constantkeep steady to avoid the static error and oscillation1