Research Article

Clustering Services Based on Community Detection in Service Networks

Algorithm 1

GUIDA algorithm.
Q and all the communities
(1)Initialize , , ,  = false, and  = false
(2)Calculate the degree of each atomic service in ASAN and store them in
(3)for i = 1 to do
(4) = 0;
(5)if [i 1 then]
(6)   = ++;
(7)   = true;
(8)end if
(9)end for
(10)for i = 1 to do
(11)if [i = = 1 ! then]
(12)   = −1;
(13)   = −1;
(14)  for j = 1 to do
(15)   if then
(16)     = ;
(17)     = j;
(18)   end if
(19)  end for
(20)  if ! = −1 ! = −1 then
(21)    = ;
(22)    = true;
(23)   ++;
(24)  end if
(25)end if
(26)if  = =  then
(27)  break;
(28)end if
(29)i = 1;
(30)end for
(31)Calculate the initial Q according to equation (10)
(32)for i = 1 to do
(33)for j = 1 to do
(34)  if [j [i] 1 !   then
(35)   Suppose we move atomic service i to community
(36)   Update
(37)   Calculate Q according to equation (10). Denote it as
(38)   Store  =  – Q into an array
(39)  end if
(40)end for
(41) = true
(42) Select the maximum . Denote it as
(43)if then
(44)  Move atomic service i to community that produces the largest
(45)  for m = 1 to do
(46)   if [i [m] = = 1 then]
(47)     = false
(48)   end if
(49)  end for
(50)   i = 1
(52)end if
(53)end for
(54)return Q and all the communities