Research Article

A Density Peak Clustering Algorithm Based on the K-Nearest Shannon Entropy and Tissue-Like P System

Algorithm 1

Inputs: dataset X, parameter K
Output: Clusters
Step 1: The objects are in membrane for
and object is in membrane ;
Step 2: Compute the Euclidean distance matrix by the rule1;
Step 3: Compute the local densities of the data points by the rule2 and
normalize them using (10) and (11);
Step 4: Calculate and for data point using (12) and (4) in every
membrane , respectively;
Step 5: Calculate for all in membrane and sort them
by descend, and select the top K values as the initial cluster center. So as to
determine the centers of the clusters;
Step 6: Split the membrane to K membranes by the division rules, which membranes can
be number from to ;
Step 7: The clustering centers are put in membranes to , respectively.
Step 8: Assign each remaining point to the membrane with the nearest cluster center;
Step 9: Return the clustering result.