Research Article

Novel Recommendation System for Tourist Spots Based on Hierarchical Sampling Statistics and SVD++

Algorithm 2

Proposed SVD++ based collaborative filtering model.

Input: Users’ rating matrix (R)
Output: Rating prediction matrix (D) and Recommendation list ()
1. Compute the mean rating based on the matrix R.
2. Initialize the “bias information” bu and bz. Initialize the user vector pu. Initialize the tourist spot
vector . Initialize the implicit parameters .
3. User ratings are grouped by user ids.
4. Compute the inner product of the user vector and the tourist spot vector by Equation (11).
User’s ratings are predicted.
5. Compute the prediction error based on the real rating and the predicted rating. As shown in
Equation (13)~(18), the SGD method is utilized to complete optimization.
6. Repeat the third step and fourth step to get the prediction rating . Update the rating
prediction matrix D.
7. Generate the recommendation list based on the matrix D.