Research Article

Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms for Reinforcing Equal Population in Congressional Districts

Algorithm 2

SPEA-II pseudocode.
Input parameters: N (archive size), T (maximum number of generations)
Output: A (Pareto front approximation)
(2) Generate an initial population, , and external archive,
(3)while do
(4)  Calculate fitness values of individuals in and
(5)  Copy all nondominated individuals in and to
(6)  if then
(7)   Fill with dominated solutions in and
(8)  end if
(9)  if then
(10)   Reduce by means of the truncation operator
(11)  end if
(12)  Create a mating pool applying binary tournament selection
(13)  Apply crossover and mutation over the mating pool and set to the resulting population
(14)   UpdateParetoFront(P, )
(16)end while