Research Article

A New Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm to Solve the Periodic Capacitated Arc Routing Problem with Continuous Moves

Algorithm 1

The complete ACO algorithm for the PCARP-CM.

Algorithm: ACO for the PCARP-CM
1:  procedure ACO(cars, arcs, cities)
2:  Select an initial point
  Spread pheromones for the first iteration
3:  Do until reaching the Stopping Criteria
4:     For each ant // ()
5:       For each car // ()
6:         If car 1 then evaluate the initial point end if
7:         Load possible ending points in the last day for car
8:         Generate the graph for the problem
9:         For each day // ()
10:           Computes the visibility for each possible move
11:           Draw the next city to be visited considering
            the probabilities from the equation (12)
12:           Update the sparse graphs
13:         Next day
14:       Nest car
15:       Apply the Local Search Procedure
16:       Save the solution if it is the best one
17:       Computes the quantity of pheromones to be spread by the ant in each
        arc, car and day using the equation (13)
18:     Next ant
19:     Update the pheromones using the variation and for in the
      equation (14)
20:  Loop
21:  Return the best solution found