Research Article

Comparing Sequential with Combined Spatiotemporal Clustering of Passenger Trips in the Public Transit Network Using Smart Card Data

Table 1

Literature review.

Clustering typeStudyDescription

Temporal clusteringAgard et al. [4]Clustering trips based on boarding time transactions.
Ghaemi et al. [22]Clustering passengers based on boarding time transactions.

Spatial clusteringTao et al. [18]Clustering trips based on locations of boarding and alighting stops.

Spatial-Temporal clusteringMa et al. [16]Clustering trips first based on location of boarding stops, then dividing clusters according to the time interval of boarding transactions.
Nishiuchi et al. [17]Clustering and investigating relations between the spatial and temporal patterns of trips.
Kieu et al. [5]Clustering trips first based on locations of alighting stops, then based on the location of boarding stops, and thirdly based on times of the boarding transactions.
Sun and Axhausen [19]Decomposing data to investigate the interactions between the time of day, passenger type, and origin and destination zones.
Manley et al. [20]Investigating spatial and temporal regularity over different transit modes.
Yu and He [21]Using heat maps to discover spatial and temporal demand of bus trips.
Briand et al. [23]Modelling time in a continuous space to investigate passenger exchanges between clusters over time.