Review Article

Review of Urban Transportation Network Design Problems Based on CiteSpace

Table 7

Formulations of RNDP.

Input The travel demand of OD pair;
the network topology;
the streets characteristics covering lanes number, capacity, travel time specifications, and travel time of free flow;
decision variables bound both or lower and upper level, examples are maximum toll level or maximum capacity increase
(5) the available budget;
(6) each single project cost;
(7) candidate network improvement projects

Decision variables Topological variables: street capacity expansion; directions of links; new street construction; one-way street consideration;
parking variables: parking allowed or not;
fare variables: parking or road pricing;
signal setting variables: green times ratio, cycle length, phase plan of signalized intersections, turning restrictions at intersections

Constraints The budget constraint;
cycle time constraints;
capacity constraint;
lower and upper bound constraints;

Decision objective Reserve capacity maximization;
consumer surplus maximization;
travel cost minimization;
construction cost minimization
(5) total vehicle miles’ minimization;
(6) total travel distances minimization;
(7) total societal cost minimization;