Research Article

Finite-Horizon Optimal Tracking Guidance for Aircraft Based on Approximate Dynamic Programming

Algorithm 1

Actor-critic learning procedure of tracking guidance.
Perturbation equations at every downrange step.
Cost function along the trajectory and at final state.
Optimal control weights for tracking reference trajectory.
(1) Randomly select sets of , calculate
and , obtain by (23).
(2) for to do
(3) Initialize , , and actor training
step .
(4) repeat
(5) Randomly select , apply previous control to calculate .
(6) Substitute to (32) gives to .
(7) Get the error of actor network from and .
(8) Calculate the gradient of weights and update , and by (35).
(9) Push training step .
(10) until
(11) Randomly select sets of , apply
actor network to get .
(12) Calculate , and according to Eqs. (26) and (27).
(13) Apply least square estimate to get .
(14) end for