Research Article

An Efficient Nodes Failure Recovery Management Algorithm for Mobile Sensor Networks

Table 1

Overview of related work algorithms.

ReferenceOptimization objectiveNodes’ mobilityProactive, reactive, or hybridShortcomings

C2AP [7]Connectivity and coverage restorationActor nodesProactiveNo exact distance b/w sensor nodes for maintaining coverage and connectivity is given
DCRA [8]Connectivity restorationActor nodesHybridCut-vertexes are determined by depth-first search trees (DFS) and CDS which are time consuming
RIM [9]Connectivity restorationMobile sensorsReactiveCascade movements of sensor nodesconsume a lot of energy
PADRA [10]Connectivity restorationActor nodesHybridExact distance of distribution is not given
C3R [11]Connectivity and coverage restorationMobile sensorsReactiveThis requires a lot of movements of the nodes, which reduces network lifetime
VCR [12]Connectivity restorationRobotsReactiveThis takes a lot of time for convergence
DEEHC [13]Connectivity restorationRobotsProactiveThere is lack of multirobot communication and cooperation
CRAFT [14]Connectivity restorationMobile sensorsReactiveDetection of orphan nodes in multimode failure is not addressed
GSR [15]Connectivity restorationMobile sensorsReactiveThe assumptions made in this technique are not practical which can increase overhead of network
HSRT [16]Connectivity restorationNo mobility (replacement by relay nodes)ReactiveNo solution for coverage replacement of relay nodes may not be feasible in hostile environment
SACR [17]Connectivity restoration and network lifetimeMobile sensorsHybridThere is no solution for multinodes and simultaneous nodes failures
CDS [25]Connectivity restorationNo mobilityProactiveThis does not present any plan of recovery in case of node failure
DCHS-WS [26]Coverage restorationMobile sensorsReactiveParticle swarm algorithm (PSA) is used which takes a lot of time
MMLPP [27]Connectivity restorationMobile vehiclesProactivePath query algorithm needs a lot of time
AUR [24]Connectivity restorationMobile sensorsHybridCDS is complex to implement
TEEN [23]Scalability and network lifetimeMobile sensorsProactiveThere is no solution for coverage and connectivity