Research Article

Analysis and Application of Transition Systems Based on Petri Nets and Relation Matrices to Business Process Management

Algorithm 1

The generation algorithm of the alignment transition system between the event log and the process model.
Input: Petri net model N1=(P1, T1; F1, α1, mi,1, mf,1), and relation matrix LRM[S][S − {s0}].
Output: alignment transition system TS = (S, M, T).
Initialize: S ⟵ ∅, M ⟵ ∅, T ⟵ ∅, Sstart ⟵ {(mi,1, s0)}, Send ⟵ ∅.
(1)S ⟵ Sstart; n ⟵ 1;
(2)WHILE (n ≤ |S|) DO
(3) (mj, sx)⟵S[n];
(4) IF(mj = mf,1 AND ) THEN
(5)  Send ⟵ Send ∪ ;
(6) END IF
//judge the current state to be the final state;
(7) FOR (all sy ∈ ∂set(LRMrow)) DO
(8)  IF (LRM[sx][sy] ≠ #) THEN
(9)   M ⟵ M ∪ {(LRM[sx][sy],>>)};
(10)   S ⟵ S ∪ {(mj, sy)};
(11)   T ⟵ T ∪ {(mj, sx), (LRM[sx][sy], >>), (mj, sy)};
(12)  END IF
(13) END FOR
//the following log moves, related new states, and transitions that may be generated;
(14) IF(mj ≠ mf,1) THEN
(15)  FOR(all tk ∈ T1) DO
(16)   IF( ∈ mj) THEN
(17)    M ⟵ M ∪ {(>>, tk)};
(18)    mj[tk > my;
(19)    S ⟵ S ∪ {(my, sx)};
(20)    T ⟵ T ∪ {(mj, sx), (>>, tk), (my, sx)};
(21)   END IF
(22)  END FOR
(23) END IF
//the following model moves, related new states, and transitions that may be generated;
(24) FOR((all sy ∈ ∂set(LRMrow)) AND (all tk ∈ T1)) DO
(25)  IF ( ∈ mj) AND (LRM[sx][sy] = α(tk)) THEN
(26)   M ⟵ M ∪ {(α(tk), tk)};
(27)   mj [tk > my;
(28)   S ⟵ S ∪ {(my, sy)};
(29)   T ⟵ T ∪ {(mj, sx), (α(tk), tk), (my, sy)};
(30)  END IF
(31) END FOR
//the following synchronous moves, related new states, and transitions that may be generated;
(32)n ⟵ n + 1;
//delete the cycles with cost 0 in the transition system;
(34)FOR (all cycles with cost 0 in TS) Do
(35) Delete all the edges with cost 0;
(36) FOR(all nodes in the cycle) DO
(37) FOR(all nodes have no out edge) DO
(38)   Delete nodes;
(39)   Set the parents of nodes to be nodes;
(40)  END FOR
(41) END FOR