Research Article

Analysis and Application of Transition Systems Based on Petri Nets and Relation Matrices to Business Process Management

Algorithm 2

Computing an optimal alignment between the event log and the process model based on the standard likelihood cost function.
Input: event log L1= [σ1, σ2, σ3, …, σn], and alignment transition system TS2 = (S2, M2, T2) between L1 and N1= (P1, T1; F1, α1, mi,1, mf,1).
Output: OA_one[n](OA_one[i] stores an optimal alignment γi between the ith trace and the model, where 1 ≤ i ≤ n).
(1) FOR(all σi ∈ L1) DO
(2)  queue ⟵ ∅;
(3)  firststate ⟵ (mi,1, s0);
(4)  firstalign ⟵ <>;
(5)  firstcost ⟵ 0;
(6)  firstnode ⟵ (firststate, firstalign, firstcost);
//add the initial node to the queue;
(7)  queue ⟵ queue ∪ {firstnode};
(8)  WHILE(queue ≠ ∅) DO
(9)  FOR (all node ∈ queue) Do
(10)   choose the node with the minimum cost as curnode;
(11)   queue ⟵ queue − {curnode};
(12)  END FOR
//delete the current node from the queue;
(13)  FOR(all tj ∈ T2) DO
(14)   IF(π1(tj) = π1(curnode)) THEN
(15)    γi = π2(curnode) ⊕ <(π2(tj)>;
(16)    IF is the prefix of σi THEN
(17)     IF AND (π3(tj) ∈ )THEN
(18)      OA_one[i] ⟵ γi;
(19)      JUMP TO Step 1;
 //obtain the optimal alignment for the given trace and be ready to do the search for the next one;
(20)     ELSE
(21)      sucstate ⟵ π3(tj);
(22)      sucalign ⟵ γi;
(23)      succost ⟵ π3(curnode) + lc(π2(tj));
(24)      sucnode ⟵ (sucstate,sucalign, succost);
(25)      queue ⟵ queue ∪ {sucnode};
 //add the successor to the queue;
(26)     END IF
(27)    END IF
(28)   END IF
(29)  END FOR
(31) END FOR
(32) RETURN OA_one;