Research Article

Simulated Annealing Method-Based Flight Schedule Optimization in Multiairport Systems

Algorithm 1

Iteration procedure of the SAA.
WHILE temperature (l) > 0.0001
 FOR i = 1 : iter
  Calculate F(X′) in accordance with expression (1).
  ΔF = optimization_value−F(X)
  IF ΔF < 0
   A = temp_A; (Accept temp_A as the new taking off/landing sequence and enter the next cycle.)
   X = X‴; (Accept X‴ as a new current solution)
   Optimization (l) = F(X‴); (Update the optimal value of objective function at lth cycle)
   Δd = F(X‴)−optimization_value;
   IF Δd < 0
    opt_A = temp_A,
    X_opt = ‴
    optimization_value = F(X‴),
    optimization_value (l) = F(X‴),
  ELSEIF exp(−ΔF/temperature (l)) > rand()
   A = temp_A,
   X = ‴,
   optim_F(l) = F(X‴),
  endtime1 = now;
  epstime1 = (endtime1 − starttime)  24  3600;
  IF epstime1 > 160
  l = l + 1,
  temperature(l) = temperature (l − 1) ∗ 0.99;
  IF temperature(l)<(temperature(1)  0.618)
   temperature(l) = temperature(l)  0.6;