Research Article

A Financial Distress Prediction Model Based on Sparse Algorithm and Support Vector Machine

Table 4

Variables and top 4 principal component coefficients after filtering of all features SPCA.

Selected featuresFirst principal componentSecond principal componentThird principal componentThe fourth principal component

Asset-liability ratio00.7057100
Current assets/total assets0000.70408
Noncurrent assets/total assets000−0.70415
Ratio of fixed assets000−0.09175
Shareholders’ equity/total invested capital0−0.0442800
Interest-bearing debt/total capital invested00.0442800
Equity ratio0−0.7057100
Net income/total profit from operating activities0.29587000
Dynamic net income/total profit from operating activities0.29587000
Income tax/total profit0.90824000
Shareholding ratio of the largest shareholder00−0.092180
Shareholding ratio of the top five shareholders00−0.720190
Shareholding ratio of the top ten shareholders00−0.687620